TACA Spells Out Industry Position on Societal and Environmental Benefits of Sand Mining
In several places on this website, I’ve talked about sand mines on the West and East Forks of the San Jacinto River. Now, the sand miners are talking about this website – in Austin – to state legislators via their trade group, TACA also known as the Texas Aggregate and Concrete Association.
Things You Never Knew About Sand Mines
Read the TACA White Paper On The Societal and Environmental Benefits of Sand And Gravel Mining. I’m publishing it here verbatim because it is not posted publicly on the group’s own website.
In the document, TACA makes direct references to photos and a presentation that appear on this website. “One might look at an aerial image or fly over these operations,” they say, “and errantly [emphasis added] speculate that these operations are a potential source of sediment in a stream or river.” Later they say, “…not all sand operator stock piles were flooded in the recent storm.” They also claim, “…sand operations help to mitigate flooding.”
TACA states that one of its objectives is to promote sustainability and environmental stewardship.
One of my objectives is to promote understanding.
Please Read White Paper Carefully and Closely
I urge you to read The Societal and Environmental Benefits of Sand and Gravel Mining in its entirety and draw your own conclusions. I ask only that you read it very carefully and closely, as you would a contract, because in a sense, what we are talking about IS a social contract.
Sand mines are given a license to operate next to the source of drinking water for millions of people. Are these particular sand mines operating responsibly?
In upcoming posts, I will discuss research I’ve done into best management practices for sand mining.
Posted June 7, 2018 by Bob Rehak
282 Days since Hurricane Harvey