Harris County Flood Control Meeting in Kingwood Will Be Rescheduled

The meeting sponsored by Harris County Flood Control in Kingwood to explain the upcoming $2.5 billion  flood bond is being rescheduled. The rescheduling is so that County Judge Ed Emmett can attend.

The giant, new dune constricts the cross section of the East Fork by at least 50% near East End Park (background). Note how the dune reaches tree tops. The Army Corps emergency dredging project will not affect anything on the East Fork, so it is important that we put issues, such as this on the County’s flood bond agenda. 

Originally the meeting was to have been held at the Kingwood Community Center on June 14 from 6-8pm. That meeting date has been cancelled and will be reset.

June 14 Meeting Harris County Flood Control District Bond Meeting Cancelled

No new date has been set yet. As soon as the new date has been finalized, I will post it on ReduceFlooding.com.

Thanks for your patience. Few things are more important for the future of our community than this flood bond.

Posted June 4, 2018

279 Days Since Hurricane Harvey