San Jacinto West Fork Emergency Dredging Project Details

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has posted bid specifications for its emergency dredging project on the West Fork of the San Jacinto River between Humble and Kingwood.

Bid documents available publicly online reveal details, maps, scope and timing of the project. Specifications, maps and amendments total more than 300 pages. See highlights below.

Start and Completion Dates

Opening of bids for the San Jacinto River Emergency dredging project, originally scheduled for May 29, has been moved to June 12, 2018. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers expects to award the job shortly after bids are opened.

The winning bidder is expected to commence work within five calendar days after the award of the job. The winning bidder is also expected to complete the work within 180 calendar days from the award. That would put the new completion date in mid-January 2019. The core expects bidders to staff the project sufficiently to complete work within that time.

From River Grove Park to Just Beyond
West Lake Houston Parkway Bridge

The project will focus on the area from River Grove Park in Kingwood to slightly east of the West Lake Houston Parkway bridge.

Dredging will start near River Grove Park and end just east of the West Lake Houston Parkway Bridge.

The objective: to restore the main river channel to pre-Harvey conditions by removing sand and other debris, such as dead trees, that obstruct the flow of the river.

Removal and Storage Methods

Sediment may be excavated or dredged mechanically. Regardless of how it is removed, it must be placed in one of two designated sand pits. The first is between Townsen and the West Fork, east of US59 and Wilson Road. The second is west of US59, between Sorters Road and the West Fork, south of Kingwood College.

Sediment will be transported via pipeline or trucks to one of two sand pits for permanent storage.

The disposal area south of the river will be filled first – up to the existing ground elevation. When the pit is filled, it will be graded to prevent ponding and make sure it drains toward the San Jacinto River.

The remainder of the sand will go to the second site near Sorters Road. It is unclear at this point whether enough sand will be dredged to fill those pits.


Neither sand, nor other debris, will be stored on the river’s banks where it could be washed back into the river.

Fences, roads, ditches, private or public grounds, and other structures or improvements damaged as a result of the contractor’s operations must be repaired or rebuilt at the contractor’s expense.

If fresh deposits from new storms during the term of the project require additional dredging, the Corps will expand the scope to include those.

To view the full specs, visit this site:

Questions? Ask the Corp Directly

The Lake Houston Area Grassroots Flood Prevention Initiative will be hosting a meeting June 11 from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at the Kingwood Community Center, 4102 Rustic Woods, 77339. So mark your calendars and plan to attend.

Eduardo Irigoyen, Project Leader for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ San Jacinto River West Fork Dredging Project, will discuss the project and take questions.

Additionally, the Flood Prevention Initiative organizers will provide updates on other important issues. They include the potential lowering of Lake Conroe during August and September (as well as next April and May), dam upgrades for Lake Houston, and the upcoming Harris County Flood Mitigation Bond Election.

The meeting is free and open to the public.

Posted May 30, 2018 by Bob Rehak

274 Days since Hurricane Harvey