Lake Houston Area Grassroots Flood Prevention Initiative Announces Cambio to Speak At Next Meeting
Please mark your calendars. Attend the next meeting of the Lake Houston Area Grassroots Flood Prevention Initiative from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m., April 17 at the Kingwood Community Center.
Featured Speaker: SJRA Board Member Kaaren Cambio
Kaaren Cambio, one of Kingwood’s two new representatives on the San Jacinto River Authority Board, will update residents on the SJRA’s new role in flood prevention. Additionally, she will update us on many significant flood prevention developments since the group’s last meeting.
About the Lake Houston Grassroots Flood Prevention Initiative
The Lake Houston Area Grassroots Flood Prevention Initiative consists of local residents dedicated to preventing future flooding in the Lake Houston Area. The Group aims to provide a voice for the concerns of residents. It also seeks to identify flood risks and their solutions, and to work closely with local, state and federal officials in addressing them.
All residents – flooded or not – are welcome to attend. The issues we seek to address affect the safety and economic vitality of the entire community.
Key goals of the Group include:
- Installing additional flood gates at Lake Houston to increase release capacity
- Dredging the West and East Forks of the San Jacinto River and Lake Houston
- Controlling sand mining activities on both forks of the San Jacinto River to reduce sand build up
- Ensuring any bond proposed by the Harris County Commissioners includes dredging of the West and East forks of the San Jacinto River
- Changing priorities and procedures of the San Jacinto River Authority to protect residents downstream from Lake Conroe
- Supporting our elected representatives by maintaining awareness and involvement.
Join the Lake Houston Area Grassroots Flood Prevention Initiative
To join the group’s distribution list, please email Bill Fowler at Also, please feel free to email questions or comments directly to Bill or through this website.
On a final note, this website will be a repository for information related to the group’s efforts to prevent future flooding. Please bookmark the site and visit it regularly to get the most up-to-date news on flood prevention developments.
Posted April 7, 2018, 221 Days since Hurricane Harvey.